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[E] Twitchie16
[E] Twitchie16
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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I understand and thank you for your response. And how might I find Thepineappleguy/ contact him?
over 13 years ago
a diamond block? I have no need to steal a diamond block because I buy my diamonds with credits, i would easily replace any plus more if i did steal it. But once again, i was only on for a /pe and food hunting. I would be more than happy to replace any lost diamonds, if that ment getting this server back.
over 13 years ago
Name: Twitchie16 Person who banned me: Dont know Crime: No clue I was at a friends house for most the week after school and didnt touch a laptop but for only 2 days and that was to get a /pe and to hunt animals. If i did something wrong please tell me. I didnt grief, steal, or annoy anyone. If anything bad happened then some one is hacking me because I read and agree to the rules and I didnt want to banned from my fav server.
over 13 years ago